Every time I tried to put the lens back into my glasses, the lens kept popping out for no obvious reason (to me). In my frustration, I eventually completely removed the lens and try to replace it properly. The more I struggled and tried to insert the bottom of the lens first and “pop” the top of the lens into the frame, the more flustered I became. After growling out loud and getting completely frustrated with the glasses, I finally asked, “Jesus, if this were you trying to fix these glasses, what would you do?” When I looked at the glasses again, I could finally see that the frame was bent. It’s no wonder the lens wouldn’t stay in! So, I carefully twisted the wire frame and bent it back into shape so that it was straight. Next, I put the lens against the metal part of the frame first. Then, I maneuvered the flexible part to embrace the bottom of the lens. Finally! My glasses were fixed!
Somehow, this little exercise reminds me that when my “frame” is twisted and askew, my vision is always going to have problems. But when I asked God to straighten me out, He does it immediately. Then, I only need to be flexible and embrace a new perspective-a new way of seeing things correctly: God’s way.
God is Good!
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